Well, they're back to school! Hooray! I can have my routine back! It's so hard to function when family is around 24/7. Homeschooling? Crazy! Nuts!
Very proud of the teenager. Unless she's got it hidden in her bag, she actually went to school without the favorite teeny tiny 30 Euro black bomber jacket AND without being nagged! A proper winter coat slammed the door this morning and plodded off through the snow. I'm so proud.
Now if she's anything like I was, it's hidden in her backpack. Let's go check. OMG. The bomber jacket is safely in it's place on the floor in a heap under all her other clothes! She's such a good girl.
Also to be commended, the choice of top. It actually comes down over her navel today. Smart girl. Mind you the Adidas tennis shoes will have to be our next area of focus as I did notice the snow boots looking rejected in the hall. Did I wear snow boots at 14? Hmn, no I think it was topsiders or docksiders or whatever the hell they were called. The more holes the better. Preferably wrapped in gaffer tape. And I remember something about bare feet and bermuda shorts there for a brief while...(we're talking feb. in CANADA) No, that was 15.
At 14, I was usually safely wrapped in several layers of "stoner jackets" or "lumber jackets", preferably on permanent loan from some really cute guy with really long hair and covered in concert badges and roach clips, over the little black concert t-shirt and wore...um...white leather Nikes with my skin tight, coat-hangered up, Roadrunner jeans. Oh, yeah! I did have boots! They were high heeled leather boots (fur lined) that I tucked those tight jeans into, sucessfully completing the whole Hot Child In the City Look! Yes!It's all coming back to me now! Frightening!
Ah, what they don't know can't hurt'em....
...PArty man!