having had enough of myself, relief was found in the burying of said self in matters of fun and merriment. such as, attempting to coerce a committee into defining a budget for an event that they hold every year. and this year in style, as it is i, who has been nominated to organise it. i have also been nominated v.p. since vp. is a nice thing to have on your cv, i will accept. even if it means having to run the club from debter's prison. as a result of all this free labour i have supplied, suddenly i feel quite motivated to seek out activites which actually pay.
have contacted several events companies, one tv station, 2 production comapnies, 3 training facilities and 1 corporate coach
should i not get hired on monday for the next palsy-walsy film, (who ME? attitude?) i shall trash the buffet at their anniversary gala, which i have, at least, been invited to
in this event, a flier will go out to all those desparate mamma's trying to get their kids' calendar filled , advertising after school bi-lingual crafts programme, at 20e's/headx25x8-supplies, i should still do ok.
will be enrolling in a subsidized Master's in Art Therapy
will pursue coaching option
will pursue trying to get some recent credit as a segment producer for local tv, having proposed to head their new life-styles and culture division (transferability)
nothing to lose = nothing to fear = just do it = succes = stymying my husband's plan to move us to , gulp, TEXAS
that's all folks
(thanks for asking)