feeling kind of dumped at the moment. guess i just aint interesting enough.gotta find inner motivation again....hmn how bout whining about what happened at work. here we go...since i'm up thinking about it anyway...
thurs night...child sick sick sick...
fri am better but not enough for school...result. i stay home as i am entitled to do by law 2days per year per child
but being responsible n all i call in and tell them, also mentioning that i could do some work from home and would come with child if needs be to fix any problems should they arise...
problems arise...as they have no back up for me need to drag poor sick child off couch and into the car to work (baaddddd mommy)
i get to work - kids in tow
go see nasty little french man for a briefing because that is what i'm trained to do - debrief at every debrief-able moment
lets just say it was after lunch nd that seems to be a bad time for nasty little french man posssibly due to his affection for alcohol...
he REEMs on me...ScREAMS AT ME...nonsense and babble about how i only do as i please blah d blah ? !!!???? what?!!! i tried to explain and there was no explaining he just got louder...and so so did i and yes this was in front of my kids and the whole office i feel sick
well anyway he was way out of line as by law it is my right to take that day off if i n^have to, and i had to and i have a medical certificate for it and he is going to eat his hat on monday
nevertheless i feel a witchburning in the air
should i quit? i feel so sick about it i dont want to go back its so fucked
what do you say universe head held high once again
what's with these men that need to thwart me? i say fuck'em or letem continue to fuck themselves, even better...