Saturday, January 28, 2006

In a nutshell ( or is it a pumpkin shell?)

VH! You're right and my mom says that too. My heart has an unruley habit of freezing over and then completely melting and then freezing over...which the armchair psychologist in me knows is a protective mechanism that needs retraining. but i think they all know i love'em in my own bi-polar way.

we're in europe because i was an exchange student who dawdled a little too long. actually, when i did go back i just couldn't find my niche and saw more opportunity, and fun, and a certain french man (long since my ex) back in europe. this was true for a while, but once i'd sussed it out and realized nobody got me here, i was pregnant. and made my decisions in consequence from then on.
so, i've tried to juggle situations like motherhood, being alone, a desire to live differently, my addiction to the rythms of the film industry (work hard, play hard, take lots of in between time), a need for cultural diversity and the question am i going to actually get old here?

eventually i married a prince charming (joke), a truely nice guy, and the result was that although we've always been a little borderline poverty level, we'd managed to scrape together quite a nice life on many levels. i knew however, that the golden days of cinema were probably numbered and have always carried the fear of the eventual demise of a 15 year effort...the bottom fell out last june when the company that my husband worked for could no longer pay him, and was officialised mid-november with a bankruptcy...i dont' blame the company as they did their best to fight the effects of a combination of factors: bad business parters who did not honor a bank certified promise for approx. 5 million dallars, landing them with all the bills, the dollar versus euro factor, the competiotion from the eastern countries...

so, i , an obstinate, anti-social capricorn, must get used to the idea of taking another great leap of faith into the unknown. and in order to survive i realise also that i need to catch up on 20 years of living with my head in the sand and educate myself as to the ways (and politics) of the "real" world.

now i weigh the positives and the negatives of moving back to north america and how that will effect my kids who so far have been sheltered from mass consumerism, ethnocentricity, bill boards, peer pressure, bible banging, blatent sexual promiscuity and fanatical a word, i feel a bit threatened...comes through in my writing, huh?

Anyways thanks VH and ViewFinder for your thoughts and interest!


James Scolari said...

omg ... to live and raise my children in another country is among my fondest fantasies -- are you sure that you've exhausted all options before you come back here?

this place seems more "unglued" (to evoke some wacky, obscure blog) all the time -- you really don't want to be here when things really hit the fan...

just my iconoclastic two cents...

VirusHead said...

I concur with viewfinder.

Still, you must go with opportunity. If you're in film, you're probably best off in a location that caters to that - if not in or around California, then somewhere else along those lines. Such communities are not known for bible thumping. My friends who have done well in that kind of field have mostly been involved with behind the scenes support rather than directing, producing, screenwriting, or acting.

On the other hand, perhaps you could turn talents and skills to another area? Perhaps there is a niche that you're not considering or expecting.

Probably best to secure job(s) _before_ the move. Most US places do most of it online now anyway. That would minimize disruption for your kids too. No reason to jump in blindly.