Ready, Set Go! Type typetypetypetypetype....oh yeah. Content.
Let's see...
New Years Resolutions:
1) drink less coffee
2) follow through on ideas
3) get in shape
4) make lots of money
5) nurture my children
6) nurture my self
7) ____ my husband
8) make lots of money
9) drink more coffee
10) make some money
God this is hard. Basically my mind is bucking the whole effort thing. Reynoyds has stiffened my little fingers and sloth has stiffened my mind. Chilluns are watching the tube. Husband is sanding plaster. I am preparing mentally to paint hall. No special new years plans here. Except to cover up that ugly plasterboard for once and for all. (on hold 3 years )

Well, that's not quite all. I am more than toying with the idea of shooting a pilot for a cultural spotlight on the country. No one else is doing it. Would be fun. 30 minutes/week. Interviews, reports, agenda. Also want to put together a sort of local diy/hgtv type thing, motivated by the desire for free gardening services...blahdblahdblah...
Must move it this year.
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