I would like to solemnly remember a great friend who passed away two days ago. Suddenly, unexpectedly.
He was my first.
Always true to his cause, it happened during the performance of yet another arduous, dusty task. Unglamourous. Necessary. He burned himself out after a long, purposeful life.
Coming to me as an offering from the same team that provides Bond with his weaponry, You served me well.
Goodbye fair Makita.
And so I am officially disarmed. And yet still, somehow, feeling a little dangerous...
It's another sign, Onward, Renew...
Therefore, methinks, yes. In pig nation i shall prosper!
Hang in there Dorothy - even Kansas isn't Kansas anymore.
ah makita, we knew you well. an art department colleague once quipped that, given the technology, the romans would surely have makita-ed christ to the cross.
apologies to the sensitive christians in the audience.
anyway, mine expired too, after years of faithful service... but I confess that he is not mourned, but rather replaced in my affections...
the name of my new swain?
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