Monday, April 17, 2006

I don't understand why ViewFinder has withdrawn from the conversational world. He is gone and it's too bad. That's all I have to say about it.

And today I had my hair done next to Micheal Caine. He knows his stuff. Finished early.

Since I look like Ann-Margret right now I'm gonna have myself a glass of wine and feel sexy.

Nope. Didn't bring the camera. Got it all in here. (points to head)


James Scolari said...

ach, you break my heart.

viewfinder decided, not through interactions on "unglued" but another, much spicier photoblog, and also a year of flickr-ing, that more time needed to be spent in the walkabout world.

apologies to friends who are missed, but not forgotten...

Blue Fairy said...

Yeah. Blogging tends to be dangerously close to avoidance behavior in my case.
Having an outlet has really helped through these last 10 difficult months. Sorry if it's been a bit odious for readers.
A little more real world probably wouldn't harm Blue Fairy's take on life.

James Scolari said...

it's not odious... we all have crosses to bear, though I'm always sorry that your art department experiences are so onerous...

here we have to endure crazy set decorators, but that's just about the worst of it... if the job or hours are bad, at least the union guarantees decent compensation, with overtime, meal penalties, and very good benefits.

of course, getting into the damn union is like moving heaven and earth (took me 5 years)...

Blue Fairy said...
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Blue Fairy said...
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James Scolari said...

hey, what's with all these removed posts? self-censorship is for the birds.

Blue Fairy said...

true true, too true

my big thing that holds me back, don't like to sound dumb

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