Tuesday, May 02, 2006

she sees little people

may 1, yesterday, was the "fête du travail", May Day? So,in celebration of work, nobody went. instead, people head to the forests to gather vines with which they create large wreaths to hang over the doorways of their local cafés, associations, businesses...
amazing how much pagan tradition remains ingrained

one of the reasons i love this country


had a dream once that i was working in an old mill/historic village/movie set/thing and that it was inhabited by little people who were the actual original inhabitants of this lovely country until forced to go into hiding by "christianity", as they did way back when...anyway, it was my job to uncover the truth and expose the crime and these little people were very convincing that i should let it be known...etc
so, i woke up with this weird feeling that the people here were decended from the garden gnome and it was my job to start telling the world...
anyway, of course, like most things, i forgot about this new calling until the other day when i read...

"Le royaume des Vichtels: le nom luxembourgeois de Vichtels donné aux nutons viendrait de ce que Vichten aurait été leur capitale. Une tradition situe le palais de leur souverain, ou Schaddai, sur la route qui descend vers Bissen et la sinistre chapelle du Choléra, à l´emplacement du chateau ruiné de Wampach, dont le peuple nain continuerait à habiter
les souterrains. De l´autre coté du village, Schandel, on a déterré plus de 2000 pierres et fragments sculptés, vestiges d´ une cité gauloise disparue. Récemment on a trouvé un mosaique le plus important du Grand-Duché qui va être transporté à un Musée en Luxembourg-Ville."

loosely translated, i was totally on to something

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