short tempered becuase I allow the madness of this careeer to get to me now and then...
case in point:
we spent two days dressing a mall set, get it all ready to shoot, and the schedule demands that we take it apart for the first half-day's shooting, only to then put it back together for the end...
i know you'll say I should be grateful for the job at all, and you're absolutely right... which is why i called myself on the b.s. in the first place!
but I am generally more short-tempered in set dressing than props (credit to the nearly always obtuse set decorator)
don't have any
cinnamom toast with lots of butter
what do you do at 3:30 am?
me? i sleep! if i'm up that late, i'm surely making mischief.
oh, where, oh where, has my view finder gone...
oh where, oh where can he be...
what happened to your beautiful mug shot vf?
and why are you short tempered these days?
short tempered becuase I allow the madness of this careeer to get to me now and then...
case in point:
we spent two days dressing a mall set, get it all ready to shoot, and the schedule demands that we take it apart for the first half-day's shooting, only to then put it back together for the end...
i know you'll say I should be grateful for the job at all, and you're absolutely right... which is why i called myself on the b.s. in the first place!
but I am generally more short-tempered in set dressing than props (credit to the nearly always obtuse set decorator)
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