Friday, November 17, 2006

phone call. we're putting your file on hold until monday.
ergo, you sucked. i'm interviewing a few more of my friends.
enter rage, frustration, disgust, screaming, kicking furniture and throwing coffee mug against wall
and cursing
much loud cursing


James Scolari said...

stop. right now.

my wife interviewed for a job she wanted back in early august. went okay, not great, she wasn't really what they seemed to want. they said they'd re-visit the idea in October... right. the kiss-off.

then, October came and they called. and hired her.

so quit yer kicking, screaming, and bellyaching. you don't know everything.

just wait and see. oh, and in the meantime, do like my high school football coach would always say: "keep your feet moving."

Blue Fairy said...

that's great! oh the unecessary agnst we can put ourselves through!
you're so right.

i just need to perform a little every once in a while...part of me was kind of excited about maybe going home and i'm coming down right now from the stress o the last year...

already getting loads of ideas for what i'd like to do if they don't hire knitting tea cosies and sellling them at the car boot sale ;) or something along that line...

thanks VF, you're a smart guy


James Scolari said...

if you want to go home for a while, why not go? it doesn't have to be a real "separation."

we've done that sort of thing several times when i've taken work in another state...of course, yours would be a lot farther, but you never know what you'll find when you walk through a door unless you open it first.