Friday, March 23, 2007

Just One More Petal

I love you."

Pose a problem (a pocket full):
how could i return this love?
he has not my affection (earned)

to be suddenly plucked form one's accustomed bed and delivered directly to another is an undesirable event (in one's prime)

Consider the disturbance among the "social butterflies"
I'm no wallflower

Anyways pick me?! Notwithstanding numerous others?

Lying at the foot of this bed where i always lie
(sun shines brightest here and i can see the entire garden)
his words
whispered in my sleep
"Daisy", said he
"Yes" said she (never having heard her own voice she imagines it was hers)

"I love you for you are more beautiful than any other in this garden."
( Running fingers
along stem
plant kiss on her

Transplanted (on the highest pedestal)

i shall float above others in glorious (illustrious?) light

soon after

THE REALIZATION: vast emptiness created by sudden disappearance of familiars

The sun does not shine bright enough to strike my darkening days (daze)
No measure of moisture will satisfy such thirst (tears won't do)
Nature says his doting presence can not restore my essence
Beauty fades

In solemn isolation i would wither

It would not do to suffer so for such a brief cause
Life would longer be sustained, would the seed remain
Where such seeds are sown

He loves the roses with their sweet perfume (Love me, Love me not)
And prickly thorns
They will draw his blood indeed
In glory of attempts to possess
I wish i were a rose (it would be worth while)
I say I love him (he believes me a sweet daisy, love me , love me not)
He shall soon be pricked by thorns.


Blue Fairy said...

once i was in love...and once i was in love...and once i was in love...

Blue Fairy said...

what a long time ago

how strangely prophetic

i was chanelling big time that year

or are somethings just prefictable ?

this is just because the theme of the day has been roses and reverie

nothing to do with anything else

Blue Fairy said...

you always were dramatic...

Blue Fairy said...

talk to yourself much?