Thursday, December 15, 2005

Eventful week. Saturday and Sunday attended three social events in a record breaking drink-a-thon. For which I paid only slightly on Monday as I plodded through the finishing touches on our little band of pingpong heads. Then, off for a crazy overnight visit to my very favorite city in all the world, Amsterdam. After grumpily enduring the 5 hr drive complete with traditional getting lost in Belgium we arrived at our hotel only to be mildly impressed because we always get great value fo the money at the American Hotel and this one was kinda puny. Think closet. But we had a voucher from my birthday last January that was about to expire, so, Seize the Day. It was great to let that general good mood that pervades Amsterdam just work its way through my thickened skin. People smiling, shaking hands, feeling good. Windows, windows, everywhere! All with blinds wide open! Welcome life, chings the bicycle bells, toots the tram, screams the gulls, sings the smells and colours wafting out of cafés, reflecting on the lives the muse. Breath it in.

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