I am completely under the control of The Critic. It's like typing against the current. Writing a blog is like wading through the bog. Watch your step. Woa, slippery. Yikes, I'm stuck. ANd of course, what fascinating creatures are going to attach themselves and start sucking ... Pass the salt.
Speaking of sucking...
Today is a perfect day for laundry and oven cleaning. At 8:25 am the world is still in darkness and our house is being battered by gale force winds and rain. I understand why thousands of years ago people decided to celebrate the sun around now. I could just crawl back under those covers and snooze until spring. Some coffee will do the trick. I've heated the milk twice already. Let's try again. Ah, yes, let the day begin.
OS, I'm here with my dyslexia and the Critic trying to type my way into existance for he day and wondering just what, after all, I really need to say. I could Mom-blog. But I can't. Well let's try. I haven't really tried so far. I just have a more natural talent for, what's it called? Belly gazing? The contemplation of one's navel. Howbout i mention casually that I visited Rembrandt's actual house and studio the other day and that can make this a Studiio Friday sort of blog. Hmn, let's see if i can google an illustration...http://www.rembrandthuis.nl/cms_pages/index_main.html
Yes, very interesting. I wonder how long it will take until the picture disappears.
Well, anyway, I should also mention the Van Gogh Museum because we spent most of our time there and it was great to see the evolution of his painting style and eavesdrop on a high school tour guide that I think only i truely appreciated. We also went to the Sex Museum. Lots of the same. No high school tour. Was surprised to see pornographic photos of the same era as Van Gogh. Seems somehow of another world. But obvoiusly not, as Vincent was friends with Toulouse Lautrec and others of Montmartre including the Green Fairy. But I was still surprised to see someone's great-great-grandparents doing very naughty things in such graphic detail.
All in all, a very cultural week. Oh yeah. We delivered the pingpong heads and I am delighted to say that they were a crowd pleaser and the designer was IMPRESSED. Thank you very much. I shall celebrate by adding colour to today's text.
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