Thursday, November 24, 2005

thanksgiving supper

no more picture fun. "they" keep deleting them. totally insensitive.
big day at the farm. puppetheads on their way again. unhappy with a lip adjustment. happy with some eyebrows. very happy to be occupied away from house.
let dh get the sense of how lonely the day can be when it's spent catering to the transport needs of others interspersed with long periods of nowhere to go. two nights in a row i have come home to gross pizza ( LEFT OVER, REHEATED) after a day of fasting and working in an unheated shop, hugging a hot coffeecup to get the movement in my fingers back.
the effort i put into trying to come up with balanced meals - it like he's telling me to eat s*%t. thank you so much. i appreciate you too. nyah.

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