Monday, January 09, 2006

Back to school!...Psych!

Got the xmas tree down today, hurray! Usaully goes around the 3rd but the kids started school a week later this year. We were amazed at how well the tree held up considerering none of the water we gave it actually went into the pot. It seems there is no drainage hole in our contraption which would allow the tree to actually get the water. Anyways it looked a bit like pot pourri but still quite pretty.

Only a couple of my to do's got done today as the girls both came down with stomach flu yesterday and only the Little Guy who's had it 3 times this year, got to go to school. So much for the cleaning frenzy I had planned.However, I am very proud as today I managed to go without a single solitary cup of coffee. But God I want it...

Something encouraging is happening to my teenager. She told me she was very bummed out at coming back to grumpy, serious Europe after our holidays this summer. She is shocked at the attitude over here and thinks she would enjoy living in a place which is not snobby and gruff. This unsolicited remark has relieved me of a couple of things a) worry that we'll have to move and she'll be devistated b) that she, who has been brought up mostly French and attended snobby French private school, has no ability to appreciate her mother's North American culture. (Which Europe loves to bash, and bash and bash. Unabashedly.) So going home is starting to feel kind of like an execiting opportunity rather than an admission of defeat.

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