Sunday, March 12, 2006

4 AM how bout that

At this time of night i often wake up to the loud shuffling and bumping noises of my sub-conscious moving furniture around. wish i knew what was going on in there but find only the odd clues, tossed out in the form of neatly crumpled balls of futility.

here's one. if a man were to discover that his life was on a loop and that every time he got to a certain place he had to have resolved some mind boggling puzzle and he wakes up with peices of that puzzle sticking him like shards of glass and one day he gets it and instead of finding out he's mad, he wakes up back where he started, many lives ago, with a bunch of people he'd long forgotten about all expecting answers to that puzzle and if he shares the information it will alter the present but if he doesn't they will be destroyed. does he chose to stay and help the people he left or does he go back to his modern world? what would the info be? i think he's pre-rome. i say he would probably stay and help but not share too much info because if he did i would not be sitting here mindlessly typing at my computer. but i would probably share the info myself.

because i am Boudicca

1 comment:

Blue Fairy said...

and you are a FREAK!

the Critic