Thursday, May 11, 2006

it is not an easy thing to have your mother over when you are pms'ing like crazy. it makes you want to vent. which makes her want to parent. which makes you want to rebel. which makes her worried. which makes you feel guilty.

but now that that's over and the subject has been completely exhausted we will stay away from the topics of unemployment, financial ruin and marital conflict.

and then there's the issue of heving totally forgotten it was mother's day yesterday...

and my husband's b-day. (not forgotten)

dad had to leave yesterday because his sister is a few breaths away from departure.
(which makes him tense and distant and nostalgic all in one.) kids have really enjoyed his visit. they have only seen their gparents a few times. little guy wanted to get in his gdad's suitcase.

has been nice on the whole. apart from the pms and masses of dishes.

had ex-inlaws and whole step crew over for bbq on sunday. eldest daughter was delighted. nice to see the inlaws again. it's been 11 years..."the men" went golfing. talk about wierd. dh, dad, ex dh, ex f.i.l...all golfing

kind like when we all went to big girl's shool picnic and me and her stepmaman were both pregant out to here...combinedd family takes on a new meaning at my house.
we're even talking about them getting work in quebec if we have to move from europe.

anyway, i'm to distracted for this writing stuff so, it's quitting time.

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