Sunday, July 02, 2006

if leading a bunch of kids in feild games doesn't get you out of your funk, nothing will.

point form ADD report:

1) i have become too goal oriented and forgotten how to play
2) people think i'm a teacher
3) i could be a teacher
4) kids prefer duck duck splash to name games
5) crowds scare me
6) my husband is a great guy to have around and keep things light and he still has an uncannny way of catching plates as they drop - go team
7) my teenage daughter needs leadership training : summer camp would have been good for her
8) my teenage daughter loves softball and had good time despite the grumpy start
9) i'm thinking about starting a kids craft class
10) dreamcatchers are crowd pleasers
11) god's eyes are not that simple for 5 year olds
12) schedules are made to be ignored
13) always prep every inch of string you need in advance
14) never leave the glue unattended
15) forget the pool if you are a volunteer
16) use suncream
17) i am not the only canadian woman to suddenly realise i've spent half my life in a foriegn country
18) must curb reclusive behavior and seize the day because it's way more fun

1 comment:

James Scolari said...

all surely points to live by...