Monday, August 07, 2006

i want my life back. should have known better. tied to this life by duty. the rest has slipped away. take heed girls. don't chose the man. maybe if i take some magnesium these thoughts will just shut up.roll a spliff. pull weeds like crazy. have a temper tantrum and freak everyone out again. maybe if i take some nice anti-depressants i will be able to accept the world and fall into place. let the gray show. become discreet and serviceable and learn how to file. gracious and acceptable. maybe i just want to click my heels and return to that fateful banister where i was loitering when the sly lady professor asked me if i would like to be an honorable exchange student. exchange your life for a trip to europe. lose yourself. total disconnect. rootless. meaningless. time-wasting. out of context forever. too late to go back. how exotic. my consolation: my wonderful children. who will grow up and go away and leave me the way i did my own family 20 years ago. how can i keep that from happening when i can't even stay present for them now. i used to be a fun person.

1 comment:

Blue Fairy said...

what a lot of garbage. you're so silly sometimes. what will people think. tsk tsk.

why don't you post some pictures of the junk shops like you promised. because they are not well composed and i have no prices. who gives a shit. i do. you are wasting time. yes. i am on vacation. one must break an egg to make an omelette.

i'll think about it. right now i am fasting.