Tuesday, October 24, 2006


leaves falling.

wind blowing.

nothing to say.


James Scolari said...

ah, but those images, so simply evoked, speak volumes...

Blue Fairy said...

get out of here. you're making fun of me you big meanie. this is my blog. i can write bad poetry all i want. why do i feel judged lately?

James Scolari said...

you're being defensive. i was not making fun of you. and if you were paying attention, you'd know that in my dark moments poetry was about the only language at my command.

i like that kind of post, really!

Blue Fairy said...

yeah. i'm defensive all the time. can't even accept a compliment without wondering if the person is trying to fuck with my head. jaded old bitch is me.

James Scolari said...

oh stop it. look in the mirror; you're splendid.

Blue Fairy said...

no you're splendid.

James Scolari said...

goodness me... such unqualified praise? you must really be out of sorts.