Wednesday, October 18, 2006

state of things.

- unemployed
- husband. unemployed
- event went well. dbled usual attendance. tripled usual quality. budget tight. may have gone and greet didn't keep track of walk-ins. may have some dine and dash.
- have realised i am near to cutting my dh loose as i can not be his mother.
- many friends have now recognised i am not being unduely hard on dh
- if must leave home, will rent not sell it.
- if must leave home will squat parents for 6 months.
- will get job.
- dh may do whatever the fuck he wants i'll get on without him.
- i must be careful not to let extreme stress take over and see everyone/thing through paranoid glasses
- i am actively protecting my children from our stress as of three weeks now. they are happier.
- my 7 yr old daughter gave me money the other day to "pay for her birthday party".sigh
- my 5/12 yr old son gives me 2 spontaneous "i love you mommy", hugs/day.
- my 14 yr old tells me she is on board no matter what happens and she will face it with a positive attitude. quote.
- i am a lucky mummy


Blue Fairy said...

or maybe dh will snap out of his stupour. in which case i will be proud.

James Scolari said...

acceptance is the thing... face the future with a 'come what may' outlook... goodness is coming; be grateful for it now.