Monday, November 06, 2006

national pull head out of ass day

inspired by viewfinder's day out, i see his giant spider (meet "MAMA") and frank gehry (Guggenheim, Bilbao , Spain 2004), and raise him a giant chia pet.

go here for the truely inspiring story of how an art gallery can revive a city

today i:
  • contact a real estate agent or two or three
  • post pics of my wonderful home that i must sell on the internet in order to embrace life rather than hide from it, sorry house. sorry trees. i will miss you.
  • sell fucking 300M that chrysler concieved for the soul purpose of sucking thousands from one's bank account. love the car. hate the repairs. cringe at the gas guzzling. love the accelerator. love the accelerator. love the accelerator.
  • sell junk in garage.
  • throw out. give away. sort. box.
  • continue job search.
  • look into tickets to TO. for the first week of dec.
  • deadline for job procurement which could stop this train: dec.5
  • question to self: go get a B. Ed. starting january or hold out til september rather than hauling the kids out of school for end dec. (rather abrupt i admit)
  • lay off husband. he knows the score. don't need to bludgeon him with it.

anything else?

maybe put an art gallery on my front lawn


James Scolari said...

whew. that's some list. lay off husband? that's a new one.

Blue Fairy said...

well, trying to be inventive.