Tuesday, May 30, 2006


It's the weirdest thing. You'd think that with the Lurking Doom so close by i would be at a peak on the hysteriacal woman chart but no, i am so not freaking any more. Yes, once in a while, actually once every waxing moon, it intesifies to the point of the unspeakable, but after that, cool, calm, collected. At least for me anyway. Go figure.

Have decided to capitalize today.

My BigGirl arrived safely at destination and should now be on 30 km class walk through volcano land. Very excited band of youth, none of which will be getting any sleep during their week's stay in Auverne. When I was 14 we never got to visit any volcano's or go caving. Not fair.

When she gets back, they're all on vacation for a week. Then, two weeks after that, school's out. These kids are always on vacation.

The weather here is cold windy and disgusting. We haven't had sun for over two weeks. SUCKS.

next, um , not much else to say really. had something i was gonna rant about but it's totally left my mind. dunno.

oh, yeah, i made a dream catcher from twigs and garden string yesterday and was overcome with sense of peace that i haven't felt for long time and suddenly my mind joined my body and time got slower and i was like, cool. very cool. so i think i'm going to make a larger one today and maybe attach some clay figures to it and build on it and stuff.

la.la.la. life's bland.

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