Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Les Chemises de l'Archiduchesse, sont elles sèches....

Salut les ki-ki's!!!

currently enjoying:

Radio Déliro

Cuvée Renaissance Puisseguin-Saint-Emilion 2003 - 5 euros in the supermarket 1000 dans la bouche

Narcissico Rodriguez all over

my favorite lime green t-shirt

TracyChevalier's the Virgin Blue bringing back many o many a memory of old......

and a steaming hot bowl of home made thai curry soup made from scratch poeple, say SCRATCH, oh yeah, i knew you could do it, that's right, S-c-R-a_t_C_h

c'est si bon


Blue Fairy said...

even the chicken stock baby

James Scolari said...

really? sweet!