Thursday, January 26, 2006

First thing in the morning crap

My netscape homepage thingy has this pop-up with big googly eyeballs saying, Are you being watched? I supposed this is in reference to Big Brother Bush. Well he can BITE ME. Snoop all you want fuckers. I was a heretic the first time you burned me AND I'M STILL A HERETIC NOW!!!!!!!!!! And I'm praying hard for the demise of your paternalistic, status quo, god on our side, machination you call a government. And I refuse to succumb to that paranoia you inject your people with to make them NEED their Big Brother, ie through media, or pumping through loudspeakers at the airport. And to think I married a republican. Which, being consciously a-political, and a fool, I did not discover until 2 yrs after the marriage. No further comment.
Well I'm not much of a political commentator. But VirusHead is. I'll go read her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Of course, the Netscape thingie might just be an advertisement for some internet anonymity product? Haven't seen it yet.

As for yr hubby, there are Republicans and there are Republicans... What we're seeing here in the USA at this point goes far outside the range of the traditional values of that party.